Thursday, June 02, 2005

What Not To Do When You're Bored

Yesterday evening someone was watching a movie
the actress in the movie had a super-short fringe
the girl in (this) story
started (out of sheer boredom) to contemplate butchering her own fringe
So she stood in front of the mirror
for a very very very long time
before finally picking up the scissors
*snip snip snip* they went
She stopped to peruse
"Can I go shorter?"
She thought so, so she did
*snip snip snip*
Stop to gage.
*snip snip snip*
Fast-forward to the next morning.
"Turn towards me, look at me", says Gayle.
I give her the full frontal.
She scrutinises, scrunching her face up like a chocolate muffin.
"I think you look cute"
"Sure not?"
Long....pondering silence.
"Yeah babes, you look cute, it kinda frames your face"
"Okay, I know I look cute, but what I am really asking is,
if you were a guy, would you still look at me?"
She shrugs and looks intently down on work that has suddenly materialised.
Er, I'll take that as a No.


Gaylebait said...

Chigger is uninterested.

Unknown said...

Moral of the story:
1) Don't play with scissors
2) Chocolate muffins are yummy

I want to say hi to Chigger, but I'm scared of her twin.


Eaglet said...

Chigger is scary on her own.
Trust me.
Think Chucky.