Thursday, June 09, 2005

Of Pampered Pooches and Panic-ness

I know 1 person capable of completely understanding
my superdooperexcitedness
In re-discovering Kraft Ranch Dressing
My Ex.
(hey actually other ex would understand/share it too..)
So I call him.
"What are you doing tonight?"
I ask in my bossy tone (ahh..just like old days)
He is immediately defensive.
A curt, "Why?"
( "like it's any of your business" goes unsaid)
"Er, I got Kraft Ranch Dressing...Cabbage Rolls?"
(oh yes, somewhere inside me,
resides a traditional Polish woman)
His reply is an emphatic
" Like ..YyyyyyeahhHHHHHhhhh...!!!"
So I trust him with the grocery list.
(yes, the man I once told to come home with
" any GREEN vegetable", and came back with a head of Cauliflower)
By 7 pm,
I've walked my gorgeous dog up the hill
and am cooling off in the kitchen
of his
spanking new home
with a glass of shiraz.
As I chop, saute and simmer
we talk, catch-up
My ex sits on the counter swinging his legs
I start telling him a *horror*
Dog-napping story
tales about fully-grown Great Danes being nabbed
my uncle's dog got stolen
and he spent weeks
looking for it,
returning absolutely heartbroken
that would be our worse night-mare.
We've run out of something
so I ask him to go to the store.
"Lulu!!!" he screams, frantic
(we could never get rid of the old nicknames)
"The gate's open!"
I don't even bother to wash my garlicky hands
"What if someone took him, what if he gets runover?"
We take a car each
and drive off crazy-eyed and panicky
hearts in our throats
I'm careening down the narrow street
*widened* eyes sweeping left and right
There at the end of the street
a familiar tail is a-wagging
a creamy coat and a smiley face
happily going on his merry way
not a single care in the world
Posted by Hello

I come to halt behind him
throw open the passenger side door
he needs no summon
just jumps right in
and off we go
If you have a car,
with Johnson, its always an advantage
even if its stationary
and you leave the door open,
he'll jump in
and sit
all by his lonesome
for hours at end
A beautiful dog
a still car
waiting for someone
to take him
*Might have forgotten to mention at the start..WARNING! Long Post*

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