Friday, June 24, 2005

Breasts!Breasts! Everywhere..

When Aaron walked into the office Wednesday,
his eyes almost popped out.
“What’s with the blatant display of breasts today?”

Once again, Gayle and I have unwittingly,
subconsciously connected (somehow)
and come to the office with low-cut tops on.
(Me because I was too lazy to iron something more decent
(which is not to say it was very indecent)
Gayle because her udders are humongous no matter what she wears)

It’s like one of those days when we come wearing the same colour
Or we start humming the same song, at the exact same time
Or when we PMS together
Or when our periods come on the same day…

And why miss an opportunity to blog such an occasion?
“Aaron, will you take a picture of our cleavage please?”
I ask, sweet as pie.
He turns, he hesitates.
Then he turns back,
“How many times in a man's life is he asked to take a picture of girls’ chest AND handed the camera too?”
he says, eyes gleaming.

But this is no normal post
This is a Tribute.
To Gayle: My Milk Cow

You see, she’s quitting.
No more crazy G and A stories.
No more singing at the top of our lungs to Tenacious D.
No more taking our PMS out on each other.
No more crazy blogging/commenting days.
No more fucking IPOD being waved in front of my nose.
We've only known each other for nearly a year
but o what a great year its been
one of us turned gay
the other became single after nine years of successive couplehood
and amidst all that there were
tales of sexual escapades
rants about Penang drivers
the most random thoughts
(that you never thought any one would dare say aloud)
There was Taboo
and chicken stew
God, I can't go on.
She says she wants
her life to be more organised
more progress
more money
more education
If not for her
my first office job would have killed me
but she made me see
how good it could be
and now she's fucking leaving
(this is the bitch that interviewed me)
We've given each other pep talks
recognition when needed and earned
hell, she holds the award
for the best(sweetest) email ever written about me
to others
(I doubt there are that many good ones anyway)
I really can't imagine
life without Gayle
Can you?
This is why
when we throw her a farewell party
I shall cry my eyes out
just to make the bitch feel like shite.
but anyhoo,
Thank You, I do love you.


Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

We were kicking back them beers lastnite and she didnt even mention that...its so sad :(

I'd feel a lot worse for u all too, but the pic of the irrigation drains just aint helping...

Eaglet said...

Erm, excuse me..irrigation 'drains'?
sorryla, I only see one, thus it should be 'drain' (=

yes the bitch is leaving.
its monday and obviously, I am in a great mood!

Gaylebait said...

DUDE! Like, I submitted my resume to Dell through you.

But yeah, I guess that doesn't always equate to resignation submission.

Ingly bingly beep.

I will miss...
coffee coloured days
tenacious d sing-a-longs
smoking at my desk
random ranting and raving
crazy outings to prai

and more, i imagine.

I must say, this is the first time ever in the history of my employment that I have made a real friend. Don't get me wrong, I get along with people wherever I work... but a true friend? Someone who'll come pick me up and take me to the clinic and stop by my house to raid my fridge? No... never before.


Eaglet said...

thats it?
thats all you bloody have to say?
not even a tear jerker.
No, you DO NOT do me proud.

Anonymous said...

And I am chopped liver.
Or Family...whichever comes first...

Eaglet said...

But I love you!
and no, I dont mean you, Gayle.

Gaylebait said...


Gaylebait said...

term paper

Gaylebait said...


I love you both too lah.
Can't you see that this coldness is a desperate attempt to contain my rollercoastering emotions? That though it does not show up externally, inside... my metaphorical breasts are heaving with sobs of desperation and loneliness... what have i done? what have i done?

no longer can i watch aja bounce on her ball... or hear firsthand accounts of my beloved cousin falling in the dam... then being able to wait in anticipation for the next event where he may, dare i say it? , fall off a forklift and into a furnace at the di pipe factory during the minister's tour?


Gaylebait said...

what a brilliant thing to say

Gaylebait said...

what a brilliant thing to say

Anonymous said...

Well, i guess if its brilliant, yousa gotsa say it twice then..