Thursday, June 02, 2005

Can You Dance?

It is generally agreed amongst us girls
that men who can dance
are great in bed.
That's not saying that men who can't dance are bad in bed.
But men who can dance have a higher probability of being good.
So there's a higher probability of you being wrong in assuming
a non-dancer would be good
over a good dancer.
And by dance I don't mean
Kavadi-carrier-in-a-trance sort of dancing.
I mean a guy who can groove,
who's got the rhythm down pat.
Not a guy that's got funky jelly leg moves going
but a guy that can shake his booty just a sexily and sensuously as you can.
A guy who moves in tune with you,
takes his time getting to know your style(and vice versa)
one that PullsYouSoClose
that the two of you are barely moving to the music
yet gives you the freedom and space to pump your groove
(depending on the type of tune of course, its not like you gonna slow dance to The Prodigy right?)
Then there has to be the chemistry while dancing.
Sometimes even when both individuals can dance
there's no chemistry
but it can be a lot of fun,
you get to try out new moves
do some hilarious music video shit
and generally just have a blast.
But you kena the one with chemistry,
sometimes a better form of foreplay.
I'm writing this because I miss dancing,
I haven't been in yonks.
Us, girls enjoy dancing with each other
but once in awhile you miss the
dancing/seduction/two people so totally in sync thing
You know what I mean?
See, I'm an absolute and complete sucker
when it comes to a man who can dance well (especially to RnB)
It makes me drool like a bitch on heat
But we have such a serious shortage in dancing men.
And the ones that we do have,
too much chemistry and just too damn dangerous.
Can tell I've been listening to that stupid Usher again.
Maybe I should go to the valley for the weekend?


Unknown said...

You appear to imply that there are no dancing men on your island. Kesian.

Or maybe you just want to check out dancing men in other places, huh?

the frou fr0u one said...

we totally nid guys wif the groove here.
i feel like i get who got you started on this :p

Eaglet said...

dunnola suppose i'm looking for dancing men in other places too..
Penang is TOO small

Sui Lin said...

I totally agree with you... this world is lacking of MEN that can dance...

I miss dancing too.. =(

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

I couldnt dance to save myself...

cept' mebbe if i was reeeeeal drunk...then id try, and if i didnt need to save myself, i would have to then, before i got shot


Just never quite been the fan of nightclubs and stuff :(

*crawls back into my coconut shell*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

she's gorgeous! u blind fool

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

uhm, like wtf was that about mate?

Eaglet said...

Someone jealous la...anyway, i'm working out, so when i think i look good enough I bare all on my blog and make the Aja Hater drool okay?

Gaylebait said...

w.t.f. mate