Sunday, June 05, 2005

Hopping from Island to Island

The day is absolutely freaking gorgeous.
There's this cool breeze rustling through the trees, sending floating leaves that glint like green jewels.
The sun is beating of the azure of the ocean..
I could go on..
It's as if mother nature is trying to make up for that horrible storm yesterday.
Eventhough I love storms..
just makes you want to stay in bed all day and... know what lah
I've just had a delicious Nasi Lemak breakfast and am waiting for my Island Hopping trip to start.
Yes I know, as if I am not doing enough island hopping already eh?
Yesterday evening,
I awoke, refreshed from an hour's nap.
the skies cleared.
I tackled the great big hill.
had a brilliant seafood barbecue dinner and 2 glasses of chardonnay.
Both sufficient to keep me well spooked
while we walked through the dark, scented gardens of the resort.
Keeping ourselves occupied with bone-chilling
of spirits, possesion and trees that looked like the were out of a Tim Burton movie.
Shaking like a leaf
I hurried to bed
and buried myself under the covers
til sleep solved everything.

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