Saturday, June 04, 2005

Rain On Me

One crazy night in KL.
We hit Zeta, the Loft and Velvet.
We drank,We ate.
We got home at half 5 am.
I left KL at half 7 am.
and here I am now on Pangkor Laut, existing on barely an hour's sleep.
Arriving, we immediately got caught in a massive tropical storm.
We just had to be at the beach,
where there is no cover save the small building that makes Chapman's Bar.
Crammed with Taiwanese tourists.
Just what I need.
Trees and branches are toppling all over the place.
The wind blows in great billowing gusts
sending heavy wooden furniture hurtling.
Damn adventure man!
Random question: Why do Japanese women wear make-up and heels to the pool all the time?


Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

Prolly the same reason why Japanese men buy used panties from vending machines.


Unknown said...

Japanese women appear to share the view of Russian ladies in respect to a day out by the pool.

A russian girl who gets her hair wet in a swimming pool is not a common sight.
