Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Starbucks & Us

I came to Starbucks
not knowing they were here
yet I knew they were going to be here.

And here they are.
I sit down.
"Do you know this is the 3rd week I've had my period?
4 days break, 3 days bleed." I tell Nat and Fion

Fion: "Is it coming out in cubes?"


At first we look at each other quizzically
Then, Nat and I are laughing like dogs

Nat: "At first I was surprised, I wondered if there was something wrong with me
and maybe I have been having abnormal cubeless menstruation my whole life.
Then I saw your expression as well.
Maybe it's what happens when you eat too much ice-cubes."

Clots, she meant.


Jo said...

Babe, I hope I'm not being too nosy here.. I know I'm no doctor but with your heavy and prolonged bleeding, pls do look out for some underlying causes.. Just alil concerned... btw, do you get tired easily? look alil pale? or sometimes get shortness of breath even at things that you normally can do with no problems at all.. I'm also worried that you might get anemia from all the excessive bleeding..
awy, take care.. hope to hear more from you

ming said...

i dun get it? .. the joke

Eaglet said...

Thank you Jo. Yep, I'm worried too. Weak and easily fatigued.Gonna see the doc tomorrow.

Ming: The joke is cubes who bleed s in cubes?Or wait, am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

ouch u actually blogged about your period?

Eaglet said...

Of course la!My blog le, say what I feel like saying lor (= Kaypoh people want to read all must suffer la!

Shimmers said...


i'm not suffering reading your blog!

fyi la...

Eaglet said...

Hallo Fi,

Glad you find it interesting (=

Jo said...

heya there...
was just wondering.. how was the trip to the doc's? did it go well? or did she/he just stuffed you hormones in a pill? yeah.. awy,O&G stuff are really a bitch sometimes.. love to hear an update on your condition..