Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ah Sooo Des!

I was reading Constipation 101
and discovered this tasty fact

okay, okay my aunt mentioned it to me first
and I just had to check up

it was a discussion about bowel movement(in some cases lack thereof)
and the various issues that our family have with it
like how we can't shit anywhere but in our own homes
even if
the turtle is peeking it's head out

how some members shit about 5 times a day
and take their coffee in the can with them
but others shit every 3 days

and yet others need to squat
on the toilet bowl
no clothes, na-uh, not even socks
ages range from 4- 40(I think)

Oh the fun factoid!

Bananas constipate you.
Or wait does that sound right to you?

Or should it be
Bananas make you constipate(d)?

Bananas are a constipant.

Bananas are laxatives in reverse.

I'm guessing you already got the picture though.

That's your Fact O' the Day

Now I leave you this:
Wise man say, 'He who stands on toilet, is high on pot.'


Anonymous said...

No, but its true, if you eat more than one banana you block up like an old sink full of vomit

Anonymous said...

Droppin off the Cosby kids at the pool, eh?

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

I always thought banars make u 'go'...havent tested it, but aint no way this serani is gonna risk constipation!!! its like suicide!

Ja dear, for this topic, its best to seek out the King-of-Krap...Sifu Capes :)

We were just at Arathi Villa's about an hour ago discussing his fav pastime...

Has he told u bout the Penang Bridge incident?


Eaglet said...

Well,apparently the nanas dont make you go. Doctor says so one....

Anonymous said...

Acherly hor... they say lots of things do weird things (this is what we call a WTF sentance). Guavas harden your stools and can constipate you, bananas actually make you go la cuz they soften your stools. Its all in the fibre you see.

Buy for you horny kiddies...I hear papayas suppress sexual desires...
Somebody send Aja a papaya fruit basket.

Anonymous said...

I thought the blog was about me when I saw 'Des' at the top. Although, come to think of it, the subject matter is something I feel dearly about.

Shimmers said...

hahaha.... why ah we eurasians tend to talk about shit?

as for my side, we tend to talk about the texture, the colour, how it sounds when it reaches the water in the bowl... etc etc...

Anonymous said...

or how sometimes you see the 'ku chai' in it after you've had a char koay teow...or corn...or kangkung...the list goes on...