Thursday, March 23, 2006

Delving into the Box of Memories

The rain has got to me.
I am melancholy.

Where were we a year ago?
Do you remember? Something reminded me.

A Moet party, with pink hearts

and now?where are we now?
So much has changed; friends, lives, loves.

I'm delving into my box of memories because
today, as we did what we always do

I thought about you, while I was with you
and what my fondest memory of you is
insignificant to others, beautiful to us

We had lunch, facing each other
Your smile is flashy, bright
luminously fake
underneath lies, lies
I know you think I don't know
yet in a way,
you know that I do know

So I tell you stories,
to fill in the empty spaces left behind
by what you do not tell me

then we do what we always do
you play the piano
I sit, we sing
and when I can stand it no more
I get on my feet and twirl around your living room
You know I will do this, your parents know I will do it
that crazy girl who dances alone in your living room
singing, tapping, spinning around
till I'm dizzy

We don't do it that often
but it's us babes
it is the memory of you that I hold in my palm

Foolish Games, always


Anonymous said...

Who cares what people think? I would think you didn't.

Yesterday I was out playing basketball when we heard and saw the approaching storm in the horizon. Instinctively everyone else started running to go home, so I did the same. But for some reason I didn't quite have the desire to run even though it looked like it would come down hard (like a hard on in a cold shower). So what if the rain splatters were the size of 50 cent coins? So what if people think I'm crazy? Enjoy the rain and thank God for it.

Now lightning....that's another matter. Especially if you're standing in the middle of an empty basketball court next to an empty field. Time to haul ass.

Eaglet said...

I don't care what people think la.
Some people have nothing better to do than judge others, as if it will somehow make their pitiful existence more meaningful if they make the flaws(or what they perceive as flaws) in others more known.

And I loveeeee playing in the rain, always do it. (=

Anonymous said...

but ja, you've never cared...why start now?

Eaglet said...

Anon: Your comment is pertaining to? And if you take the liberty of calling me 'ja' then perhaps you should stop hiding under anonymity.