Thursday, March 02, 2006

Anal Angle

My breakfasts have gotten a lot more interesting
with the presence of the panier enorme de fruit

Like today, I sliced apple, plum, kiwi, orange and banana
into milk and mango yoghurt
with normal muesli and pre-biotic muesli

You see, muesli to me, regardless of pre-fix
is just plain muesli
unless it's bircher muesli (whole different story)

Heck I didn't even know what it meant,
I only bought it because it looked pretty on the box

but when I started visiting the crapper
more times than I care to share
(I've shared enough think you not?)
Pre-biotic started to interest me.

Main Entry: pre·bi·ot·ic
Pronunciation: -bI-'ät-ik
Function: adjective
: of, relating to, or being chemical or environmental precursors of the origin of life ; also : existing or occurring before the origin of life
Okay, okay, in relation to food
it means not only high in fibre and all the
yada yada vitamins and nutrients
but it also works to as a bifido-lacto activator
promoting a healthy intestinal environment.

Basically, it makes you shit good.

And I am very proud to be doing this because never
in my twenty-two years have I gone regularly
(unless I am on holiday)

So, cause for celebrasi.

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