Wednesday, March 08, 2006

He Says, She Says

Gabe and I are sitting side by side.
I am rolling backwards on Cornelius
and making grouchy noises.

He: What's wrong?
She: I carrrrnottt find my HAIRbanddddddd!
He: You just took it off.
She: Not Tthhhhiss ONE the REDDDDDD oneeee!

And suddenly we are both laughing,
realising how silly I look growling on
my big ball.

She: Gabe do you want to go for a walk with me?
He:Walk where?
She: Downstairs, I want to buy cream puffs.
He: Okay

We walk, and as we walk...

She: I only want one wor, you think they will sell one?
He: I want one too, so yes, I guess they'll sell a pair.

We go to the cream puff store.
There are 2 left.
We buy them, Gabe adds two muffins.
One for me, one for him.

She: Oh but one cream puff isn't enough for me.
He: Yes, that's what the muffins are for.
She: But I don't like muffins.
He: Okay, you can have my cream puff (hands me box)

Aja takes a bite out of the first cream puff
She: Mmmm, you can have it back.
(hands box back to Gabe)

Gabe shakes his head at her
He: How do you get always get away with this?
She: Because I am ADORABLE!


Meng said...

li hui use to speak like that! we call her the human-siren...

Eaglet said...

Kenapala Siren?