Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Promise Me You Won't Lie to Yourself

Is the way I ended a conversation today.

Because that's what worries me most
and it doesn't just apply to you
it does to everyone, myself included.

Too often, we lie to ourselves about how we really feel
put too much faith in
'things will change' and 'it will get better'
'I just need to get used to it'

Yes, hard work; strength, patience, loyalty- pays off
yes, a lot of good things
don't come easy
but there's a difference between
reality and fantasy
and sometimes, we just can't see it

When you are sure, then I am 100% supportive
but when I see you waver, I waver
the nature of a friend

Sometimes I don't know if I should
Hold you up, reassure you when you waver
or tell you to reconsider because
is a bad thing
sometimes I don't know whether to say
what I think
say what you want to hear

Yet, the fact of the matter is
in life there are no definate answers
no way of knowing for sure
no way to place yourself in someone else's shoes
unless you've been there yourself

We all feel around blindly
some find firm footing, some keep feeling things out
and some just have the confidence
the ability to appear like they've found firm footing
when in actual fact they haven't

Some will forever wonder if the grass is greener
Some will think 'I've made my bed, I'll make the best of it.'

It all depends on character, a person's ideals, etc
we are all different, yet they same
you may settle for slogging, I may forever be struck with wanderlust
and seek only the colourful paths
the ones interesting to me, not necessarily you.

Maybe you've got it right
it's just a prolonged hard patch that
will eventually lead to a flower filled valley in the sun

Or maybe you've got it wrong, but that isn't necessarily bad
and when you eventually see
you will have a journey,
an experience to learn from, that will build character
adding value to your life as a whole

But it's all you
please don't forget that.
We let expectations of others
and 'face'
drive us down the wrong paths
(or force us to stay there when we realise its a mistake)
too much these days.


Anonymous said...

Keep moving. If you feel despair... time to move on. Happy? Linger longer and move on. Its never very safe to stay in one place.

Eaglet said...

So say some

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

If one makes "face" the biggest part of his life, should he fall, that is what he will most likely land flat on.

Pride consumes, and ive seen close friends devoured by it :(

Unfortunately, much of asian society is based on pride.

Its sucky.

Eaglet said...

Yep, it's either pride or cowardice. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

or a combination of both brilliantly held together by selfishness...god, what am i going on about...