Friday, March 17, 2006

An Inquiry

A friend inquired over dinner the other day
"Just how many men do you have interested in you?"

Its possible that I answered give-or-take one or two less than the actual amount.

"Don't they mind that you blog about them?"

"No. Because what I say online, is exactly what I tell them face to face, and anonymous.
The more delicate ones I don't mention at all."

Make no mistake, there is no arrogance here,
if someone develops an interest in me,
and actually tells me, I am pretty quick to tell them that
I am not emotionally available.
I am also genuine when I say I truly appreciate the interest.

I don't like complications and messes
I like things clean cut, explain my stance from the start.

More often than not, the other side will say 'lets just be friends'
and somehow forget that
and somehow 'develop feelings'
then it gets bloody complicated
and Aja runs.

Sure, I'll enjoy company offered,
but at the end of the day, the heart doesn't lie
and you can't lie to it
My heart knows where it wants to be
It knows that timing is not right
and it knows that someday it will fade
or happen

But not right now,
and if you can't have exactly what you want
(or think you want) right now, then why settle for less?

But who knows?This could change tomorrow.

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