Friday, March 31, 2006

Peeling Off A Layer

Everytime I see the word

I remember this specific moment, making me *cringe*
oh I must have been about 10
we lived in what a scotsman would call the 'tenements' then
mother, stepfather, infant sister and I.

Clemma and I we're mucking around under the staircases
when we spied new graffiti on the tar
huge letters that stretched out longer than I
"Fuck Racism" it said

Clemma reads it out
"fuck Rack-sism"
"Rack-sism" she says, "What's that?"
I shrug, we carry on with our business.

Somehow the moment seems symbolic
because it shows me how far I've come from what I was
but it also shows that as chaotic as live was
I was still sheltered, somewhat
didn't even know what racism was.

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