Saturday, March 18, 2006

BTW, Another Thing to Say

Or maybe I'm just stalling
the productivity level is

Yes, yes
by the way
there's this drink (cocktail)
that Ana introduced me to at Bed
it's electric blue
and it's called Dream.

Dream, is the epitome of false advertising
cos, honey, it sure as hell don't make you dream


Its packed with red-bull like stuff
and gin
I imagine those on uppers (methlenedioxymethamphetamine)
would suck it down like oxygen
but if you be looking for a nightcap
something to help lull you into a deep slumber,

then steer clear
from Dream
if it's near.


the frou fr0u one said...

u guys went to bed?

Eaglet said...

Oh babes, come back ,come back, before i GO!

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

If you think about it...someone swinging a shovel to ur face and knocking you out cold could get you to dream a bit too till you regain conciousness again rite?

Doesnt have the romance of a nice name, but it'd prolly work, heh heh.

Eaglet said...

Gosh. had a bad day or what?