Wednesday, March 01, 2006

He Says, She Says

He: May I ask you a personal question?
She:Yeah sure, shoot.
He: How thick is it?
She: How thick is what?
He: The wall, the one you've built around yourself.

Life is so unfair.
Recently, this guy wrote me what probably ranks in the top 5
sweetest letters I've ever received
telling me what he thinks of me.

So life is unfair, because sometimes you can stand
on someone's stoop with your heart in your hands
and as much as that person appreciates your
honesty and effort
they can't do anything.

Because, they either aren't looking for what you're looking for,
don't see you the same way you see them
or are standing on someone else's stoop
with their heart in their hands
while the other person looks away.


Anonymous said...

Thats deep. And yet... I feel that at some point we've all been that person. Give it a go? Don't let that wall guard your heart for you by default. Your instincts will do that for you when you need that protection.

Eaglet said...
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Eaglet said...

I think when it's the right person/time I will instintctively know to let down my guard or take the risk. (=