Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Someone handed in their
one month's notice today

Guess who? Guess who!!!??

Yeah and now comes the month where they
work me
to the ground
to get their moneys worth..

and then....

And then, you know what?
Holiday man. Holiday.
Tg. Jara, Bangkok, Langkawi, Perhentian, Camerons

Uh huh, wherever I can fit them in.
and then I leave.

where got time?
What about spending time with family?

Times moves too fast and there aren't enough hours in each day.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Now begins the best 1 month of your life... until the next time you quit a job, that is. ;)

I love having just quit a job - you turn up late, leave early. dont do your job for nuts, take long lunches while your colleagues are up to their eyeballs in work and staring daggers at you.

I mean, what're they gonna do, FIRE you?!

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

goin fulltime freelance? :)

Eaglet said...

J3: You're right! Went home for a nap after docs (she wasnt available appt. Monday) today, left the office at 12.00 came back in at 5 pm, shoulda seen the dirty looks!

jobe: Not exactly la, you meet me one day I tell you (;

Meng said...

wah. best nya.
jom! koh samui!

Eaglet said...

Bila?Orang takde masa la dei..kena planning

Anonymous said...

where oh where are u going to???..=)...hahah...i'm an avid reader of ur blog, so now very suspense la wondering where u are heading to career wise. will u please tell us????? is it in pg...or kl...or or????..=)not sad ah, leaving ur "member" at where u
presently work???