Friday, April 28, 2006

Private Lives-Noel Coward

So yesterday evening I watched this play
It was quite good actually, funny
though I did get drowsy towards the end
think it was the wine

I do feel they should have publicised it more
because it's only running for 2 nights
yet the auditorium was three quarters full
only ads on astro, not print, no web

Usual Penang whos and whos attended
either air-kissing or pretending not to know each other.
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Anonymous said...

you're one of the latter.

Eaglet said...

Ah hiding behind anonymity?Very original.

If I pretend not to know, there's obviously a reason. either I'm shy (which my bestfriends will vouch for) or that person is an arsehole, or I didn't recognise them.