Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Indian Schmindian

You know, after 2 days poring through
the copy for an indian restaurant
it's inevitable that one would start craving indian cuisine

So yesterday, after work
I dragged my Mom to an indian restaurant with me
(just needed someone to sit next to me, didn't need to make small talk)

Mom was being real rude
scrunching here nose as we walked into the
coconut- oily dinginess
"Must we eat here?" she whispered
trying to get me to tarpau

"I want naan, naan cannot tarpau one!"

She lowered her eyes still scrunching her nose

"Stop scrunching your nose, you think people are blind?"

The waiter comes to take our order, but every time he says something
mother goes, "Sorry?"
looking at me in
a plaintive how-can-you-bring-me-here-they-don't-even-speak-english manner

I then explain what he said to her, in the same language,
It happens so many times I tell the waiter to ignore her
and just speak to me. I mean, she's not even eating!
When he finally goes, I turn to her

"You're being so rude!He was speaking fine! Stop embarassing me!"
I whisper furiously

"But Aja, I just didn't understand him,"

She tells me that maybe I understand him so well because
I was in India for so long

Well 3 months isn't that long, but it's long enough
and I suppose I also didn't understand them very well when I first went
but I'll say one thing about indian waiters
(from india)
they are really really polite
but they are goddamn blur.


Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

MMMmmm...quite partial to injun food myself. Not mamak of course...

Which Indian Food joint u went to? :)

Anonymous said...

yeah, i was about to ask too!

Eaglet said...

Wah, you guys are just telepathetic!

Karakudee. kudeees kudees!(cooties) Hillside one. First time trying, okay nia.

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

Uh, isnt 'kudees' those scabby pieces of dead skin?


My fav injun food joint to date is the Sri something-or-other temple of fine arts place behind GH...Babbington Avenue i think.

Its eat as much as you want and pay as much as you want. The food and environment there truly is damn nice :)

Anonymous said...

ah...temple of fine arts...its nice...very nice ambience too!

i tried the hillside joint too...not too bad...but fairly wierd...maybe...ya know...a tad queer? but food was okay...could use better ventilation though...

Eaglet said...

MMMMMMMMmmmmm I love the Temple of Fine Arts. Right behind my daddy's house, always used to entice me over with the scents....mmmmmmm
havta go!