Sunday, April 02, 2006

Musing-4.30 am

You know, Aja Ng thinks of the weirdest things at 4.30 am
like how I have the sudden need to share that
my top three favourite juices and fruit
are the apple, bing cherry and fuzzy peach.

I'm probably pretty drunk.
I think you know so, when your limbs feel
all melty like,
Like mine feel now.

Heh heh

I must admit, once again, tonight
I felt like reenacting the scene
where this girl poured
glass upon glassful of Moet
down the wooden walls
because she was so inundated that she could handle no more
(too gone to link the post, look for CNY)

I mean if you ask me
'waste moet, or lost all self control'
I pick waste the moet of course!

But like I said, I felt like reenacting it
but didnt
I just kept it in my belly
like the real angel that I am.

Anyway, I was saying , weirdest things come to mind
I was thinking of Butta and me
minutes before I left her last:

I am standing at her front door, cupping her breasts in both my hands
each one fills, in fact,overflows out of each hand
they are heavy, soft and warm
smooth, bigger than an infant's head

"I love you babes, " I say to her
"I'm glad we had today"

She tells me she loves me too

And I can't help but think how lucky I am
to have found such friendships, such girlfriends
you need not have had a lifelong history
you just need to 'click' and things fall into place
seem right, minimal time or not

I never, knew it, never saw or felt it

until the day I stripped, you stripped, we all stripped
and walked around in our own skins
completely, utterly at ease, that's when I knew it was different.

I can't help thinking that I wouldn't be able to survive without my girlfriends
without a man, yes
alone on my own for awhile, yes
but without girlfriends?

We have serious talks, we laugh, we cry, we lay on the sarcasm, we bully, we love, completely
like today,
"Babe," I say, feeling my own breasts
"My tits suddenly feel damn huge."

barely a second, she glances at them and looks me straight in the eye
"No babe, you're completely disillusioned."

I glare at her, "Bitch!" I say
she laughs, flipping her ebony tresses
"i love you babes!" she exclaims

And that's it. the 're-set' button has been pushed!


Anonymous said... imagination...i know i'm sick...

Eaglet said...

Ahhhh just pretending I didn't read this..