Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Today right, in all weirdness
I missed someone
for no particular reason that I could figure out
I mean, it's not something that happens often at all
but it inexplicably hit me, today.

then I thought I should say so
but then I didn't want anything to be read into it
so I suppressed the urge and just as it nearly slipped my mind
I thought 'Why not?'
It would be a nice thing to say.

And now I sit, wondering if it will be read into
the wrong way
if I will be branded Loopy Stalker Chick
when all it was meant to be was a genuine statement
that I thought someone would appreciate.

Because I do this to the girls and other people
one suddenly misses for a moment, all the time

and they do me
but they, totally get it

I mean people do take it as it is and let it go right?
It's just me who does this stupid over-analysing thing right?


Anonymous said...

ja,i can relate to that so much that i'm going to sit back and digest it all before i say anything...

Anonymous said...

hang on, i'm basing me being able to relate to this on my interpretation of the very second line, '...someone'. in my position, i take it to mean a generic someone, not a specific someone, no? if isn't, then bah...

Anonymous said...

nah...it's specific...bah...lol...

Eaglet said...

This was a specific case. Sometimes you just miss certain people, people you don't normally miss. Then its a case of to tell or not to tell, cos they may take it the wrong way.

But yeah I guess there are times when you can just miss, but no one in general..

H.C. Tan said...

miss as in general? yeah i do get the feeling sometimes also...anyway,I say if you miss someone, tell the person lo. you may never know when the person gonna be gone. i should know, lost a very dear fren last thursday nite..alrite? =)

sunrise said...

haha.well, someitmes its hard to just miss someone and not tell that person even if to preserve the facade of nonchalance.ah heck,just say it and be done with it,however the perosn may react.so be it=)

Eaglet said...

Hooi Ching: I'm sorry about your friend, hope you're okay.

Mei:Yeah I did. I guess sometimes we are too afraid of other peoples reactions, even when there is nothing too it. There's a fine line between what should govern our actions when it comes to others reactions and what should not.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... is it me?

*raises eyebrows*

Eaglet said...

Shakespeare: Uh..hum..if you'd like to think so.

Anonymous said...

*feels special* <- LOSER