Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Other Ng

Mum, STP and I are having a
sumptuous, tarpaued Mar Vista Nasi Melayu lunch
while watching Oprah

"James Blunt!" I exclaim excitedly when she announces he's

"Hmm bet he wasn't too sharp at school," mutters STP into his rice

"Shut up, I love him" I say
jeling-ing him.

Which reminds me
WTF is jeling in english?
we know in chinese it's juling
but in england? The best I can come up with is
*rolls eyes*

but a jeling is different
a jeling is where you (1)glare, (2)roll your eyes
and (3)pull away, closing eyes.

Its a 3-step procedure.

It's been bugging me like hell.

Fastforward, I'm in my car singing
Goodbye My Lover
thinking about how refreshing Blunt is and how he
so honestly proclaimed himself 'pathetic' for having written such
miserably heart-wrenching songs
yeah baby, we like a man who cries
and makes fun of himself (occasionally)

Phone rings.
It's the other Ng. From down under.
He sounds positively chirpy
despite the recent moaning about needing someone to spoon

"What did you have for lunch?"
he asks

I know now why he sounds like the cat that got the cream
fucker had a meal to gloat about
haha but I know today he cannot
one-up me
cos you can take the Penangite out of Penang, but you can't take the Penang
out of a Penangite

As proven here.

"I had Mar Vista Malay Rice," I say smugly
"Why?What did you have?"

I practically hear the gloatiness seep out of him
"Fark, fark fark, fark, fark!!!!, why did I ask?Fark!
I want some of that!"

"He he, serves you right. So what did you have?"

"Bacon cheeseburger, but it pales in comparison."
No kidding, show off.


Anonymous said...

ma hai...i enjoyed my burger okay? it was a bacon deluxe, if you had to know, and you would not be able to make it at home! burger king rocks...

Anonymous said...

*head...and i still hate you...

Eaglet said...

All from you.

Yes, you've reached the height of lameness. Blog-stalker!

I will recreate a double bacon cheeseburger in my kitchen, photograph and eat it, just to prove you wrong! HAH.
*weekend plan*

I know you love me.. .. LOTS

Eaglet said...

Tin Miner?
Je ne comprende pas

Anonymous said...

gah >.< now that song's stuck in my head.

Anonymous said...

tin miner?

Anonymous said...

it's the friggin ah neh neh!

Eaglet said...

Kev:who ah neh neh?

ROm: It's a sooperdooper good song!