Friday, April 28, 2006


I just reread the posts below and I think it's evident that
someone had lotsa coffee.

Thus said, let me babble

Today it took me exactly 9 minutes to park and get coffee
at the Bean

While at the Bean I decided to have my usual
double shot regular vanilla latte
but with sugar free vanilla and skim milk
(in keeping with my battle against the fatness that
insensitive fools keep pointing out)
its funny that with sugar free vanilla
the latte turned out twice as sweet

Also at the Bean,
I was very impressed when a seemingly old man
(anything 45 and above is old)
ordered his various coffees and sandwiches
in fluent java lingo
(phwwwwooooarrrr! no squinting at this and that ,
asking what each and every drink is you know!)

Love it when old people are in with the times!

Yet more while at the Bean,
I perved at the counter-boy
who's really quite cute in a metro-chinesey manner
except that he's lacking height-ways
but he has nice skin, a smile that's just short of dazzling and a stud in his ear
which has a school-boy cute quality to it
but wouldn't quite fly in real-life

So there I was perving at him

when I realised that this was the very guy
who a month ago made me realise that I was starved of manjaness

Oh! suddenly it all came back like it was yesterday
Twas' 11 am on a Saturday morning
I had done the usual picking-up of the younger sister
and depositing of her at the mother's
when I strolled in the Bean all
dishevelled and just rolled out of bed-like
I ordered the usual, flipped through a magazine while he made it
when it was ready I wasn't done with the magazine
so I try my luck

"Can I please take this ?" I ask

"No miss, I'm sorry but we don't allow that", he says, straight but nice

Aja purses lips, sticks them out
allows a slight tremble

"Please, just one, once", I say bringing on super-manja-juice

He hesitates, face breaks out in a smile, slightest of nods

"Thank you!" I chirp, turning heel

It was only when I got into the car that I realised
I had manjaed with The Coffee Bean Guy
that I couldn't remember the last time I manjaed with someone.

Lack of manjaness was causing it to manifest in my daily activities
and that this could be very very dangerous
because manjaing with strangers unknowingly can bring on
negative consequences

Hmm here's a thought:

The reason why I prefer my vanilla lattes at the Bean is because
its richer, creamier, there
so if I'm gonna do sugarless and skim milk
then it kinda defeats the purpose of Beaning doesn' it?

Also while at the Bean (last one!)
the girl making my coffee (whom I so observantly noticed
had been moved from the Gurney Plaza outlet
to Belissa Row) burnt her hand steaming milk
and said "Fuck" rather loudly
she seemed unremorseful when the elderly patrons
looked reproachfully at her

For that, I think she will burn in hell

This is where I stop and bid you good day!


Anonymous said...

ooo... the lower lip tremble technique, with super-manja-juice.

the poor bloke didnt have a snowball's chance in hell. :)

paradoxx said...

if its the belissa row bean.. then the dude you're talkin bout is my pal.. we were room mates while doing our cbtl training in kay-el.. miss that dude!
btw the dude's the manager in charge of the outlet.. manja a lil more you may get luckier next time :)

Eaglet said...

cubed:Hah, you haven't even kena-ed that yet!

Paradoxx: Sure not???this dude quite young one you know..

paradoxx said...

im quite young.. you're quite young.. but yea if he was wearing a black T... then im pretty sure.. if its brown then no..