Thursday, November 09, 2006

Where Is My Orr Tau Eew?

Dear Babe,
Please read the subject line.
Then read it again.

Kanneh. It feels like I've been asking for
Orr Tau Eew forever.
I think I asked Bantum before
then I asked the Bard (maybe)
I may have asked Daddy too.

Obviously, we cannot get PROPER Orr Tau Eew here right?
What we get is indonesian kecap manis
which basically doesn't have that thick
smoky caramelly flavour that Malaysian
Orr Tau Eew has.

YM thinks I am a weirdo when I go to the asian
stores and turn the glass bottles upside down
to gage (gauge) (inside joke sorry)
the consistency of the Orr Tau Eew
(all not thick enough)
then put each down in disgust.

Orr Tau Eew is imperative for
Tau Eew Bak
Fried Beehoon
Char Hor Fun
Hokkien Char
er...and um..other things.
Heck even roast chicken.

All I want is one small bottle nia wor.

On a separate note, on Monday morning Malaysian time
someone very dear to my heart
slipped 10 DVDs into a padded envelope
and posted them to me.

Today, Thursday morning, 0900 GMT
I crack my door open and blearily shuffle about the kitchen
upstairs, feet pound on the wooden floor
"Oh no!" I think "YM, he's coming."
I haven't yet had coffee.

"Look, look! Mail for you!It feels like DVDS!"
he says, eyes shining, waving the package at me.
(quite impressive right pos m'sia so fast)

Yes the little(not) DVD monster, almost exploding with excitement.

I take my time, open the package.
Rifle through and hand him his DVD.
It was meant to be a surprise.

And now, Malaysia has bought me a
blessed 2 hours to with..
as YM devours the first DVD.

**Do not let the post above detract from
Orr Tau Eew!!**


Anonymous said... can get Tau Eww (or htf you spell it!) in the Chinese Supermarket. Only one I have problem is light soy sauce...just doesn't taste the same (even though I use same brand as the dark soy sauce).

Eaglet said...

not same lah!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Try Pearl River Bridge brand (they do small bottle as well). That's the one I use and it stains like it should properly and it isn't sweet. I use that for my Tau Ew Bak, etc and it taste exactly the same. I think it's from China.

Anonymous said...

just email your address to me ...and i'll send you a bottle....but will the customs let it thru?

Julsgp said...

my dear aja,

Or tau eww can send via post to u? Im reachin dk in 2 weeks, i can send it to u if u want :) lemme know..hugs

Eaglet said...

Thanks for all the offers, but Vans sent already (=