Wednesday, November 15, 2006


It's 1.45 am here, and 9.45 am in Malaysia.
Maybe its time I went to sleep eh?

But cannot wor! Dunno why.
I 've been thinking about life, humanity

A friend(expat) wrote me recently
telling a tale of how he was driving on one of the deserted
trunk roads back home when he ran over a
rubber tapping hook
and out of nowhere popped a stranger who
helped him change his tire in the driving rain.

And oh how he thanked heavens for this
good samaritan and graciously (on his own accord)
parted with his last 100 RM

Only to be told later, by his colleagues that it
was all planted, planned.

Then his faith people plummeted. His faith in Malaysians
maybe, but these kind of things
happen the world over.

And who can blame him?

And that's everyday life, a small percentage of the bad
we get cheated, stabbed, hearts broken
left in the dust.

Then there's this religious war
nonsensically endings of thousands of lifes
for what?

Where is it safe to bring up a child?
(not that I am having one)
But if I were to have one, how could I possibly protect it?

Yes I know, arm him or her with knowledge,
street smarts, the abilty to think rationally on one's feet, martial arts

And yet JM says, with so much conviction
"I know the heart of life is good"

And I believe it. I really do.

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