Thursday, November 23, 2006

How To Tell She Didn't Grow up Here

(a) She's wearing white- it rains everyday

(b) She's wearing flip-flops in under 10 degree weather

(c) She doesn't know where the fog lights are.


Well enough of that.

Today I went to Ikea to get a
fleecy blankey that I can lie in nakey.

Ikeas are the same the world over.
I saw the blanket that I have at home
in Penang, with Henry

I saw the one aunty Nat has on the futon
so I bought the only other one.

Ikeas smell the same to.

So you would think they would think they
would also have curry-puffs right ?
(no really, I am not that stupid)

Guess no ones going to send me those eh?

Didn't think so.


Anonymous said...

I could send you some stale ones...of course they were fresh to begin with...

Anonymous said...

Say...with culinary superpowers like yours...couldn't you just do a little jig and conjure some up?