Sunday, November 26, 2006


Saturday, slept in late
YM made orange-french toast for brekkie
then went to a Christmas Fayre
where Dadman, NMTP and I each won a bottle
of wine for £1

For lunch, I split one of Mr.Lush's
roast pork rolls into half
add rocket and tomatoes to balance it out
make it seemingly less artery clogging
and I set out for a one hour walk
sandwich snug in my pocket.

Because these kinda things, you can only eat without feeling
guilty if you add vegetables and exercise, in cold weather.

Thus I walk and munch
cold air seeps into my ears and stings them

I decide one hour isnt enough and tackle the great big hill
get to the bottom, look over the bay
and, a double rainbow!

Gallop uphill, almost fall downstairs trying
to get to the camera
you can almost see the second one
if you squint (=

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good catch! Go you!

First time I've ever seen one and it's one of your pics. Poos. Now if I ever see one myself, it'll be the second one...I guess I could take consolation in the fact that it would be the FIRST one I see in person...Silver lining...silver lining...