Sunday, November 26, 2006

Champagne Supernova

As I stepped out the front door
I said to myself (or myself said to me)
Who cares you freak?

Myself said, “Great, raining. Again.”
Big fucking surprise.

I have become like them.
All I talk about is the weather.
“Are you orright luv? Pourin’ out there innit?”

But you get here, and you just have to understand
This weather, it consumes you
Eats you up like a big sea of clotted-cream
And no there are no scones and strawberry preserves accompanying.

Anyway we were at; me and myself, out the front door.

Stepped into the car, turned it on
Water sheeting down the glass panes
BBC Radio one has done a week long poll
And are just about to tell me the results
For ‘Vote for your favourite Oasis tune’

Champagne Supernova starts to play
Then, I am whooping,the volume is at max
taken back to an evening much like this
the wet, the car, the song- but different country.

A bumper sticker shouts out
“I’m so horny even you have a chance!” at me
and I consider putting it on a T-shirt for me as
I break into a smile

Rugby. Of course, this is Wayyy-ills (as they say it)
Its all about the rugby, baby
So if you don’t get the game, do as I do and work on those
pretending skills.

Tommorrow is the big game against the All Blacks
And you know what they did
To show their support for the national team?
The people voted for the staff of the No.1 radio team
To come up with and perform a new version of Bread of Heaven
And tomorrow all the supporters will sing it at the game
How cool and patriotic is that?

There's this thing going around about
You know how the All Blacks do the haka before the game?
Well once, (they wish) they say the welsh team did a poncey dance
To ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time’ in mockery
That would be funny
edit: Wales got plastered

And there I present, the little things that change your day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ben Folds 5 does a good cover of Champagne Supernova...hard to find though. Dunno where mine went...maybe you'll have better luck. =(

Go All Blacks!