Monday, November 06, 2006


The sky is alight over Britain as millions
of fireworks go off for Guy Fawkes Night
2 nights of non-stop firework action.

I am freezing my arse off in the garden
blanket over knees, trying to warm myself as best I can
beside the barbeque and its glowing log
Leyna however, doesn't seem particularly cold.

Above us, all around, fireworks go off
brilliant punctuations in the inky night sky
we 'ooh' and 'ahh'
give points to each display

everything is shrouded in smoke or fog I can't tell
but there is that distinct singed smell
but still the fireworks go on
and as I marvel, I can't help that niggling thought
in the back of my head
about how this is helping global warming.

I imagine some households have no fireworks,
but most do, having 20 and above
so maybe an average of 10 per household throughout the UK
or something like 2.5 fireworks for each person of the
60 million upward population.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be enriching living in a country controlled by an absolute monarch, if it wasn't so...?