Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Its time for my normal after-dinner walk
I decide to take the trail through the fields,
into the forest, down to the lake
and the unexplored paths beyond

normally I have camembert or brie
with breakfast
this is because muesli everyday
makes me shit like a bitch,
which is good when I am in Malaysia and constipated
but serves no purpose when I am here
and going as regularly as danish public transport
(accurate to the minute)

but nevermind I'll make bircher muesli and then all
will be good, bircher is the bomb

Where was I?
oh yes, cheese, for breakfast
(on a spice bun (krydderboller) split
and toasted, buttered, a half with cheese
the other with the cloudy danish honey)

I have it for lunch in a sandwich
or just in slices after lunch

then at dinner which today,was total cheese overload
because we had 4-cheese ravioli
with grated parmesan on top

so, you understand the need to walk?

That and the need to clear my mind and
my thoughts so that
I can decide what to blog, write in emails, articles
and get my danish blog in order

Sometimes, I write the mass emails
and think that these people are the only ones reading
my blog, so when I blog
I leave things out and other people get half a picture
while others have the full-picture

Dunnolah!So many sensitivities.

but oh anyhoo, how I get sidetracked while walking
field, forest, clearing
opens up to a wooden pier on the lake
kids are splashing
uphill trail again
and oh! a cafe! teeming, buzzing
sunset lit, in the middle of nowhere
flanked by lake, field and forest

I walk on, sheep!
furry cows, horses.

I'm waving my arms like wings about me
skippy skippy twirl
waggling my arse and headbobbing to
Nickleback's Animals
(only the people closest to me can picture me doing
this; like babe and babe and babe )

and the smell, the scent
something I haven't smelt before
its everywhere, like mint, yet more savoury
like mint combined with spinach
I just know if i found the particular leaf
and bit into it, it would have a slimy sort of feel

How I digress
I point, being, I went for a walk to
sort out my thoughts
but got so sidetracked they became more jumbled than ever
so they will come out like that


Anonymous said...

Random thoughts from reading post:

Mmm cheesy post...
Ooh love them furry sheep, cows, horses...
How many babes are there?!?

'I'm waving my arms like wings about me skippy skippy twirl waggling my arse and headbobbing' - Sounds like a Tina Turner concert haha...or my dad dancing...*cringe*

Anonymous said...

Yes, babe. Us babes get it.Babe, babe, babe and babe.


Eaglet said...

There are lots of babes la.

And as for the dancing,I'm sorry you don't know me well enough to have the honour of that experience (=

Iits what I do when I am happy, dance around like a child.Don't care what people think, no one takes that from me.

Anonymous said...

Can make me an instructional video? We'll learn it like line dancing...
Next time you see it it'll be on a 50sen video.

Eaglet said...

Nope, its a priviledge enjoyed by people who actually know me damn well, you know?

Anonymous said...

Aww nuts...