Sunday, July 23, 2006

I So Agree

Peter emailed me today and said this

"How is your life? Your blog has become boring (sorry). There is no anger
anymore which deprives it of a lot of its humour. It’s all about food, lakes
and having nae mates. What’s happened to you??? You seem very chilled which
is good, Happy? I think so, right? Good for you."

And I so fucking agree. My blog is goddamned boring.
Even I am goddamn bored reading it
but the fact of the matter is too many people
fucking read this, and as a result, I can't really
say what I want anymore right?

So the solution is to start a new blog,
and leave this for the
food, lakes and having nae mates (not anymore!)
as Peter so succinctly put it.

You'll be hearing from me via email
and if you can't wait, email me
and ask.


Anonymous said...

I guess we fans are kinda cynical and when you rant we feel better cuz we just nod our heads in relief that someone else feels the same and that they went and did the dirty work of blurting it out when we can't find the words to do so ourselves. And YES, its cirque du soleil entertaining. Sometimes beautiful in a way that we just have to trail our eyes after in longing...sometimes a train wreck that we just cant look away from. Or maybe we're kaypo...haha. You're anything but boring. Depressing? Sometimes. Scary? Sometimes. Encouraging? Sometimes. Boring? Heck no. And don't let anyone say otherwise.

Say no to censorship. Or block IPs.

Shimmers said...

u are NOT boring!