Saturday, October 28, 2006


Thanks to the Polish ex
I have a fascination with certain polish dishes
and absolutely love their garlicky, meaty sausages.

So yesterday, when we came across a Polish store
I dragged YM in, I got kielbasa, he got jelly.

Imagine this, chinese/eurasian-malaysian girl

in Wales, buying Polish food.

We get home, he starts making his jelly
then he turns
"Uh, Aja, do you read polish?"

Er, instructions in polish. How stupid of us.
Then I have a flashback about 2 years or more ago
I am attempting a polish dish
trying to decipher the ingredients
"Uh bubba? What is zimnej wody?" I ask
and these kinda flashbacks, man are they heavy
taking you to a sepia toned place so far back
that you're reeling from it, reeling from how things
have changed, how so much was unexpected.

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