Monday, October 02, 2006

I Write Sins Not Tragedies

I'm lovin that song.
I am snivelling over a plate of
'Mee Goreng' when Brewster calls
"Where ya at Mowgli?" (or something to that effect)
"I'm out the door, be there soon,"
I say feigning a rushed voice.
Today I had to ask for 'me' time the day
before I leave next week, because I know
I will go ballistic if I leave without it.
More than half the 'holiday' (what a joke!)gone
and so many people that I haven't seen or called
or have been unable to call back because
they just keep coming.
So much that I have to do,like start packing when I
haven't even unpacked.
Bantum says that I am incapable of saying 'no'
and that I should just turn off my phone
for 3 hours and do what I need to do
I said, "What?Turn my phone off?"
He said "Yeah the world won't something something
if you cease to exist for 3 hours."
Father is thinking of giving me his camera but says
I haven't shown enough interest in owning
and learning how to use it
But it's obvious I have interest
what I don't have right now, while in Penang,
is time.

1 comment:

Julsgp said...

aww jaja bings... I know u are busy.. well if we can't meet up this time.. maybe next :) if we can.. great :)

u need the alone time i agree... Take care girl