Sunday, October 22, 2006

Oh So Social!

I must admit that since I left home
I've sorta revelled in not having friends
not having a jampacked social schedule

I quite enjoy weekends in with the family
but I do know that it sort of limits my Cardiff perspective

So yesterday, I went on a date
Yes a date, with Leyna
First impressions were great
also I didn't expect Cardiff to have proper
cool/posh bars as opposed to pubs
but there does seem to be many
which is brilliant.

Also Leyna seems to be (from what her friends say)
just about as fussy with me
so much so, that I wasn't sure whether it was
a compliment or not when she told me
"I'm so glad they've met you, now they know I am not
the only crazy one in the universe."


I am nervous as shit, about to go meet Leyna
(someone met by chance online)
my first time out alone at night even
my stomach feels like its been preserved in vinegar

Ten minutes into picking YM from school
I say "I am going out tonight"
"No, you're not, you're not allowed to!"

Then he proceeds to delay me
"Will you dye my hair, will you wait and
see the results?"
(We made a pact to dye our hair at half-term
and I let him choose a colour for me auburn)

Dadman, before I walk out the front door says
"Are you sure you're going to be okay?
text if anything, or if you're staying out all night
are you sure you don't need supper before you go?"

So sweet.

And so, she now has friends! Whoopee!


Shimmers said...

so u've met leyna! cool!... had fun? i'm sure u did!

Eaglet said...

Yep! Its all good(=
Oh and yes 'waterproof' is raincoat kinda thing.