Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Mayleen and I are standing in the bathroom

"I hate your belly," I say

"Why?" asks she

"Cos you have none."

"Don't be silly honey, we're ed-zachary the same!"

"No we're not!"

I take off my shirt and face the full-length mirror
she is already sans top and turns
we stand side by side and compare
"See..." she starts, then
" Uh...okay, but your legs are nicer!"


The thing is I remember looking at myself in
the mirror in Cardiff and thinking
"Oh, my belly looks quite not-so-fat"
Then I went to London
and suddenly, fat like fuck.


YM and I are walking in the supermarket
he picks out some sweet dessert and looks at me
"Ok, but I am not having any"

"Why not?"

"I think the sugar and alcohol consumption is
making me fat and spotty"

"Aja,"he says, turning to face me.
"You are not fat, or spotty, cept' for that one on your chin."


Its supper-time (yes, here we call 'dinner' supper
Dadman opens another bottle and is poised
to refill my glass when I say 'no'

"Are you sure?Whats the matter?"

I go into the same spiel about
wine and fatness and spots.

He tells me that most men find
slightly rounded bellies more appealing
than flatness anyway

But I am adamant and hike up the hill after supper.

Last night, I lay awake for hours
trying to fall asleep, trying to figure out what was
wrong with me.

Today I woke up with my period.
Blasted hormones man. I tell you if it were'nt for the multiple
No more bloating. Spots drying up.


Anonymous said...

true. not too much, just a nice sexy girly roundness. :)

Eaglet said...

Hmmm I am not sure where the line between sexy girly roundedness and pure whale fatness is ....

Anonymous said...

Q: Why is a waist called a waist???

A: Because you could fit another set of breasts there

Anonymous said...

Hmmm I am not sure where the line between sexy girly roundedness and pure whale fatness is ....


Place Eric between you and a full length mirror, both of you standing shoulder to shoulder, shoulders perpendicular to the mirror.

Now, look sideways towards Eric and the mirror, if you can see your boob and butt but not your tummy, you're sexy girly curvy all set good to go no worries mate extra side of fries please A-OK. :)

Anonymous said...

dood, next to me i doubt you'd be able to even see the mirror, let alone Aja. ;)

Eaglet said...

doods, you guys are hilarious! But thanks Gila for the uhh...formula?

Anonymous said...

Ok, leaving my customary blur sotong state for a second... but j3 == eric?

I think the 'dood' gave it away...

if zis zis true, then dood, i was just giving you credit for all the constipation inducing crunches you have been doing at Fitness First mah... before that i probably couldn't have found the narrow side of the room standing next to you, let alone the mirror... hehehe. :)