Thursday, September 14, 2006


'Lush' is a term commonly used to describe
something really nice here
like ' that cake was lush'

Lush is also the name of a Body Shop like store

Lush is also the name of the butcher down the road
So enticing are the fresh meat sandwiches from his shop
that this morning, I said to myself,
"Right we're walking down the hill
to have a coffee at that little italian-esque place
then we're going to tapau Lush for lunch"

How lush is that?

But then I felt guilty. I have a coffee machine at home,
I have sandwich making stuff
'Its okay, I told me, I'll take my laptop down
and actually get writing (that way I earn some)'

Also taking Percy out in public induces me to write
because people look at people with laptops
and expect them to look busy
so I am forced to get busy writing.

Or not.
Because I started organizing my picture library
and man, 3K over pics takes a lot of time.

But, my coffee came free.
Cos they forgot about
the asian geek girl with the laptop
sitting in the corner and when I flagged the
blond waiter-man down and asked him to check
he came back with my double-cap and told me it was
on the house.

And. Oh My God, Becky!
You know what?

Cigarette smoke is really starting to bug me.
Like, seriously. Like, I left the cafe because
girl beside me was smoking
and I couldn't stand it.

Die lah.

So I walked out lor,
turned towards Lush, hesitated
and turned back.

'No.' Cannot.
I made a deal with me that if I am a really good
girl today, and do some writing
and sort schedules and things out,
then and only then will I treat myself to
Lush's baguette tomorrow.
O: That sounded rude. But it's not, really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr Lush is really good and you do pay the price, but it's worth it. My ex's parents gets their turkey and beef (for xmas) from there still. :)