Thursday, September 14, 2006

Chasing Butterflies With Holes In The Net

The other day, someone asked me for advice, a total stranger
(I think, never can tell)

The question was, do I go with
(a) who makes my heart go skippety but takes me for granted
(b) who loves me to death and will be there for me
in the blink of an eye (like magic: Ta-dah! 'I'm here!')

And I pondered, and I hemmed. and I hawed
and I asked LOML what he thought
I said
'How can I answer this question?
What if I tell her to wait for The One
but then, The One might not happen for everyone?'

He says, ' Yeah I used to think The One didn't happen for everyone
then it happened for me'

So, I am half-half
screw the old aunties and their
'are you seing anyone, when are you getting married's
at the end of the day, its your life
and you will have to sleep in that bed

I always believed in The One because I am without fight
a stupid spineless romantic at heart
no matter how independant and pro-singledom I am
(even after many false starts)

It still bowled me over when it happened
I guess you just have to not expect it

Yet for some, there will never be a The One
so, they settle for the closest thing
a person that may not cause butterflies to flutter in their bellies
but someone loving, thoughtful, caring, dependable
and things work out great

So you have to feel it out, butterflies may eventually die
then like all relationships, its hard work
it always is (butterflies just make it easier).

Decide what you want out of your relationship,
your priorities
whether its worth waiting for something that might not come
or whether (b) is just too good to let go.

A lot of people don't even have someone who will love them

I have one thing to say though
(a) should not be taking you for granted if he is
your The One, it will be mutual, not one-sided

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