Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Email Me Bitch!

Lately I have taken to asking people to email me
instead of sms, because international sms are damn
effing expensive

Okaylah RM1.50 one. But when 10 ppl sms you,
and you send each one reply
quite ex right?

So today I got this email in response:

So what's new in Cardiff?
Not much by the sounds of your e
ver more boring blog.....
haha, sorry, cant help it, I shouldnt knock those who at least make

the effort. I almost contemplated starting mine again and then
how utterly useless I was and binned that idea.

Cant wait to see you again even though it was only a few weeks ago.
It was too
brief and we didnt really get to catch up properly.
Reserve me some time
when youre on the island. I know it will also be quite hectic socially for you but please try.

Life here is pretty much how I left it
h my cat has stopped being psycho.
I dont know quite how long I will be here, time if flying by,
I cant
believe that its fucking September.
Shocking. Life is racing by and it
doesnt show any signs of slowing.
3 fucking years in December. Fuck me.

Are you going to be around for your B'day?
Do you have any plans? 23!!!!!!
20 fucking 5 man.

How much are your text messages you tight bitch???? 10 pence, 20 pence?

Anyway I expect a fairly decent e-mail back from you since you requested we
communicate by email. Make it good eh?
My friends have probably realised that I
am quite shite at replying emails.



Anonymous said...

Hey bitch your getting paid in good old British pounds not MYR get a grip. 25 pence is nothing!!!

Get writing a decent heart felt e-mail or else I am going to bombard you with nonsense texts all the time muuuuhahahah X

Eaglet said...

And if you'd pay attention you'd know that I had a massive paycut after CPH and
that means it really dont matter shit what I am earning in. BLeeearrrgh.

You hit on a PMS day!

Anonymous said...

bwahahaha! feel the love! ;)

it's Gone Overseas Syndrome - first few months, you're still 'hangat hangat tahi ayam'. You write religiously and miss the nasi lemak at home.

Then, the mails get further and further between. And before you know it, the next time we hear from you you're married to some English lawyer called Nigel and have twins Michael and Patrick.

Been there, done that. Not the Nigel bit,of course. ;)

Eaglet said...



Me? Hello?You really think so meh?

Nigel *shakes head*

Oh lord please dont let me meet a Nigel this weekend in London.Surely die laughing one. And the poor chap will be scarred for life and not know why.