Monday, September 04, 2006


I'm starting to really suck at this blogging thing
I mean, what am I supposed to tell you?

Woke up, went for movie
ate good dinner, drank good wine
life is good, getting fat,
over and over again?

Cannot right?
So I have nothing much to say lor.

Today I called my family at home,
and they also said that they have nothing much to say to me.
Damn sweet right?

Then my aunt said,
"So, what are you really doing?"
"Erm, nothing much," I whisper

"So they're paying you to keep a 13 yr old company
and taking you to plays and etc.?"

"Well, umm..."
I'm searching guiltily from something..
"I clean up the kitchen?Plus YM starts school on Wed and I'll
start cleaning the house then,"

"What?You mean you haven't been cleaning the house?
Then what have you been doing?"

Then I explained that a cleaning service was hired so
that I could 'get used' to being here before starting.

Feeling damn useless, I slouched down the stairs
and pruned the trees, took out the trash
and was sweeping the kitchen when Dadman came down the stairs
"Aja, what are you doing?" he asked
as I hurriedly hid the broom behind my back

"," I mumble

"Its Sunday for gods sake!I don't want you to feel
like you have to work all the time.."

Want to do also cannot!


Julsgp said...

hahaha... you don't suck at blogging.. always gives me a smile :)

Anonymous said...

so i'm not the only one who thinks you're trying to pass of a good holiday as a real job. ;)

pretend to hate it once in a while. it'll make the rest of us poor sods with jobs feel better.