Thursday, September 14, 2006


Double Cappucinos go a looong way
I have either (a) experienced this
or (b) assumed this

I suspect the answer is evident

I was reading over my late lunch of haddock and salad
mere minutes ago when it
hit me. Whuuppp, like a baseball bat (sponge one)

This shall be the month of the D
this means that I shall try and use more words
beginning with D
why?because its fun, and because I say, so there!

My life, and you can't say shit.

All some one needs to say to me is
"How you doing?"

And I can say:







Dapper, Dandy, Dark, Dangerous
Devastated, Deadly, Decent, Depreciating

Or instead I can say 'huh?'
Then when they repeat "How you doin?"
I can say "Deaf."


"Desperately Desiring Dollars"

and before someone else says it,



Anonymous said...

okay that's it. no more caffeine for you!

Anonymous said...

Ain't nothin' but a D thang...

Meng said...


Julsgp said...
