Thursday, September 14, 2006


Not the musical, real ones.

We have two.
Caspar, the blue-eyed persian
and dumb as fark
and Jemima, the snooty green-eyed tiger-striped tabby

They are both annoying, in a bloody cute way
(says the used to be cat-hater)

Caspar for instance, stands outside the kitchen door
mewing to be let in

I let him in, he follows me up to the computer room
jumps on the desk and rubs himself
on the keyboard while I am typing

So I jump up and take a deep breath
trying not to throw him off the hill
walk calmly to the sitting room
he follows

I walk back to the computer rooms
he chases after me and bounds onto the chair,
settling in before I can get my butt down.

Jemima, is a real stuck up bitch
she'll strut up and down in the kitchen
wanting to be petted but not wanting to come to me

I know exactly what she wants so I continue
doing whatever it is I am doing at the kitchen counter
completely ignoring her

She can take it no more so she leaps onto the kitchen counter
coming close to me
I pretend I don't see her.

My waist rests against the counter so she
rubs herself on my waist

I move my entire body away from the counter
letting only my hands hover over my work on the
she clings on to the counter
tippy-toes (paws) stretching her body out to touch
some part, any part of me.

I give up.
And give her a vigorous rubbing.
Now, if I had called them pussies instead of cats, that
last sentence would have been rude.

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