Sunday, September 17, 2006

Woot Woot

One week more, I'll be back in sunny Malaysia
I cannot wait.

I've been buying little presents
of course family and friends
whose birthday's I missed take precedence
18 frigging people, and ONE me
Its like Christmas in September.

Course there's space constraints
and the fact that my travel schedule is bullshit
-Pangkor Laut-Penang-KL)

Sorry, I know you already know, but I need to keep
repeating it to myself, because I have to physically
prepare myself for the gruelling-ness

So if you dont get a present this round
it doesnt mean that I don't love you ah.

Assuming you are a reader who is within my
inner friend circle lah.

YM and I went to town yesterday
where he chided me for not buying myself
a dress to wear to the weddings
(I am wearing something already existing in
my wardrobe)
he says I should buy myself the dress first

I say I should buy other people stuff first then
buy myself the dress if I have money left
but sadly, no money

I dont really need the dress anyway
and I know that when certain people
see the gifts they will know that thought
and effort went into choosing it
and I guess thats all that matters innit?

Can't wait for home!


¥võÑňĚ said...

HA HA HA it looks like you have a hard on in that pic... LOL...

Julsgp said...

haha ja! yum char yea when u are backs :P gimme a call :)

Eaglet said...

Yvonne: I am only forgiving you for that comment because youre a midget...

Juls:I am using my UK number now, my Penang number in Penang. I'll call you some time around the 1st Oct ya (=

Julsgp said...

ya ya call me ya.. im leaving only in 24 nov... :)