Wednesday, May 25, 2005

To String Or Not To String

(a follow-up to Overcoming The Need)
Someone said to me a few weeks ago
" I'm applying for the position as a part time lover"
I said, " Sorry, not taking applications"
When asked why, I stated that it's simply to messy.
and isnt that true?
No Strings Attached
such famous last words.
Me, I am at this point in my life where I am
(i say this unashamedly)
completely selfish.
This is what happens when you spend the past 9 years in relationships,
giving and giving.
So now its time for me.
(that's the end of the sentence)
hang on, So now, it's time for Me.
This means that, I will put myself first, where and when I can.
Since I obviously put my family above Me.
I don't want a serious relationship right now
I don't particularly want a boyfriend-type person
I don't want to have to divide my time between the existing and yet another person.
I still need occasional cuddles
I need affection
I need sex
But all these No Strings Attached,
Fuck-Buddy type arrangements are so complicated!
So how?
Yeah, yeah you say, " it's all just for fun"
" I'm always in control of my feelings"
"I won't fall"
" I can handle it"
But what bullshit.
always fucking happens.
Someone always inevitable develops feelings
and then they get all sensitive
and needy
and possesive
and demanding
it ends up being messier and more complicated than any normal relationship.
drives me mad.
to be fair,
some of them work.
Most don't cause it's going to hard to find someone who's going through the exact same phase
wants the same things that you do at the moment
whom you are attracted to.
Simple.Uncomplicated, life. Why do you elude me?


Unknown said...

What you appear to be looking for is a gentleman of leisure, who will pamper, be discreet and know when to bugger off and mind his own business.

Best of luck to you :P

Anonymous said...

you're right, babe.
some of them DO work ;)

Eaglet said...

Some work...some don't...bah...
depends on your luck!