Thursday, May 12, 2005

Fortify Me with Soup

They may not know how to start a conversation right or pay a compliment,
but they sure know how to make soup.
In the clear glass window
At the coffee shop across the road
A shiny row of roasted ducks
and a variety of soups
good enough to make me dance
okay thats not working. My point was. I 'm trying to stop smoking.
My solution is soup.
Great bowlfuls of steaming, fortifying soup.
Chinese soups are great!
Tender, falling-off-the-bone,melt in your mouth pork.
Tasty, full-of-flavour, clear soup
sweet red dates
Old Cucumber
White Radish
Lotus Root
Pickled Mustard Greens
all glorious.
I'm addicted, even when I'm not hungry or already had something else for lunch (like my super sandwich inspired by *butta* today)
I still gorge myself on soup.
Dribbling down my chin....
Problem is, one bowl of soup costs RM5.
That's two bowls of Hokkien Mee.
And the soup is basically water.
Not big on the meat.
So it doesnt curb my hunger for very long.
And thus I am blowing RM5 on flavoured water.
Oh, soup! You'll be the end of me!

1 comment:

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

I like soop too!
You can never go wrong wif soop.
Soop iz gewd.


just my RM0.02...
-the e-