Thursday, May 12, 2005


I sit in my office alone.
On the other side of the wall is my boss.
I can see him reflected in the glass windows in front of me.
he lets one rip. Then another.
"Oi!", shouts I.
"Is it the Burping Olympics?"
"It's belching, not burping", comes his reply.
3 entries found for belching.(as taken from dictionary .com)
( P ) Pronunciation Key (blch)v. belched, belch·ing, belch·es v. intr.
To expel gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth; burp
To erupt or explode.
To gush forth.
" God, save me" says I
" You're lucky it's not from the other end!!"


Gaylebait said...

When you were on holiday, he let a very polite one go, suppressed it even. I looked at him, shocked at his etiquette.

He said, "the loud ones are solely for Aja's benefit."


Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

Uhm, im not too familiar with the current hierachy in there, but who be the farter since Aja be the fartee?