Friday, May 20, 2005

Axe Attraction

Isn't that natural?
How would you have gotten with someone had there been no attraction in the first place?
But then again,
there are so many that you are initially attracted to,
and then later, become repulsed by,
so much so that you eventually wonder,
what you were attracted to in the first place.
Then there are the ones that you have no attraction to whatsover
then one day BOOM something 'clicks'
and oh man, do you need help disentangling yourself then.
Some people will stay attractive (and attracted) to you forever.
Some, a short spurt in time
some, never.
He says: I don't get why I'm still attracted to you.
She says: It's okay, cos I'm still attracted to you too.
It's okay to acknowledge that fact.
What matters is where you take that attraction.
Oh to play with fire?
or not?
That be the question.
Some questions need to be answered
if only to prove yourself right (or wrong)
just need to be left alone
(if you know what's good for you)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

and some ppl will stick around for years and years before deciding that Prince Charming is NOT Mr. Right.

just ask yours truly's ex wife :P