Saturday, September 03, 2005

Old Bird's Day

Today is the birthday of my grandmother
both my paternal and maternal grandmothers that is.

No, there will be no huge 'joint' celebration
my parents are divorced
and both sides don't mix

so yes,
today is the day Aja runs around ala headless chicken
and splits her time.

Anyways, off I went to the florist this morning
to get them a bouquet of flowers each

"What for?"
said crabby daddy
when I told him my plans.

"Well because they've both been widowed so long..
when was the last time someone gave them flowers?
All women love flowers!"
I explained happily

he huffed
"Well, the only time she's gonna get flowers is you-know-when"


does that give you a clear impression of
daddy's love-hate relationship with his mother?

1 comment:

Urban Chick said...

flowers at a funeral - such a waste and besides, lilies give me hayfever

your dad is a meanie!

eofnuc = swedish for 'egg nog'