Sunday, September 25, 2005

It's Sunday And I Am Not Shaving

I write this while I await
a lift
to a boat
that will take me to Muka Head
and there I will while away my Sunday
by sand and by sea.

There's a slight stubble
on my shins
but like I said
Fuck that, its Sunday.

Yesterday Was A Very Special Day

It was a very special day
because for the very first time in my life
two weeks shy of twenty-two,
I awoke at six thirty am
from being passed out cold on the bathroom floor
the tile pattern embedded in my cheek
a few winey strands of chuck
caking my hair
still in my new 400 dollar dress

When I told May
she laughed til her sides hurt
she laughed so much I wanted to slap her
"Imagine you, prissy Aja, passed out on the toilet floor
in her flowy dress"

and later on, she proceeded to tell everyone
she crossed paths with
so I had to say it here.

Then we both agreed it would have made an awesome picture
maybe we'll reenact it.

So I guess in that respect,
the Dunhill party was a blast.
So many people to see
so much free alcohol

Bumped into Tina, asked her how come she was there
then she gave me this look
and said
"You invited me"

Bumped into my ex
all suave in his suit
"stripes and stripes don't go sweetheart"
was what I said
He then proceeded to give me
too much information
on his new relationship

The Dunhill people
told me that they weren't happy
cos the Penang crowd was not responding
anywhere close to how the KL crowd did

I said " Next time, make sure there's food,
Penang is all about free food, drinks not enough"

All in all though, I still preferred last year's.

To my defense ,
I wouldnt have gotten so
supremely sloshed
at the party
had I eaten more than one shrimp for dinner
and had I not chosen to act all macho
and gulp down the beer proffered
when the wine ran out..

when I awoke at half six
disgusted at myself
I had a hot shower
made me some tomyam mee
and tucked myself up in bed
with episode one of season three
of nip/tuck
Christian, I'm glad you're back.

I then fell asleep for an hour and a half
then got up and went to work for two hours!
ha, beat that bitch.

oh by the way,
no show down.
Obviously the ho just didn't make the cut.


Anonymous said...

wow you made the front page too. :)
cleavage and all.


mob1900 said...

where are the pics or those toilet floor renactments?! I wanne see aja in cheongsam!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I saw you in the papers too. I said to my dad, "Hey, look, its auntie DV's grand daughter." He asked from which daughter to which I answered, "So MU lost yesterday, huh."

Eaglet said...

too many daughters, too much cleavage.
Wasnt suppose to make the front page, guess it kinda makes you think 'what exactly is newsworthy in our country?'.

Reenactment up soon!