Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A Little Bit On The Side...

The other day, someone wanted to go home
and lie in my bed with me
(as they often do)

I said no.
No, because:

1. eventhough I had once laid in bed with that person, our time had passed

2. he shouldn't expect that just because he wanted to, I would want to

(if you don't greatly invest in the foreplay, don't expect great returns...
and then there's that whole discussion on when exactly foreplay comes into play,
but thats a whole other discussion)

3. Because he had recently started going out with a girl that he
had been relentlessly pursuing for months
is incredibly happy with.

The third point being the highlight of today's gripe.
Some people have the innate ability to screw up
what they worked so hard to get in
5 minutes of non-thought.

Some think they are invincible,
or fail to think at all
and then fate turns around
and gives them a fierce kick in the balls
and they fall, realising they are human
and wonder how on earth
they could even have thought otherwise.

Because what goes around, comes around.

I said no, not because I didn't want him to be around
because I didn't want to be the other woman

I didn't want him to regret it
and if he was momentarily blinded and couldn't see
that he was stupid to jeopardise his relationship
then, I would guide him.

This was also a revelation to me
because I think that at one stage in my life
I would have lured him away from the other woman
just to prove that I could,
to myself, to her, to him
because I was a bitch.
(not that I've done that to someone else's boyfriend before
but to someone caught in between)

But I've mellowed down a lot
become a lot more rational
and started to look at the bigger picture

Enough about me though.
Men and cheating, or cheating in general
why do people cheat?

Selfishness, thoughtlessness,
lack of foresight
because they can
because they are (think they are)unable to resist chemistry when it happens.

There are two types of cheaters
the type that cheat even though they love
and will regret it later
and the type that cheat because they just don't give a shit

My ex cheated on me for a year with his ex girlfriend
and because what goes around comes around
he crashed his beloved bike to kingdom come
after boning her on her birthday
and she took him to the hospital
and I met her in pretense of saying thank-you
and he walked in on us getting-to-know-each-other
(a.k.a. throwing liquor bottles against the far wall)
and his reaction pissed her off so much
that she told me the truth.

To be fair, I had cheated on two occasions(
nights though, not year) too.

I didn't leave him
I stayed and made him suffer for a year
I piled on the guilt
Until one day I met someone
sparks flew
and then somehow, we were even

It took me a long time to get into
his psyche
to disconnect and analyse the differences between
him cheating
and me cheating.

He did it because he could
because it was no-strings-attached sex
because it stroked his ego
and because of the thrill

Meaning-less sex
is something that alot of women
have alot of trouble coming to terms with
because alot of women
become emotionally attached when physically involved
and don't see how men can do it any other way
I read about it, saw it in TV
but could never fathom it
until I experienced some form of it.

Anyways, back then, I cheated because I was a sucker for sparks.
For me, chemistry was so hard to find
that I pounced on it when it did happen
allowed feelings to come into the equation.

I always believed that
chemistry = the love of your life
then, as one relationship overlapped into the other
and I kept feeling sparks here and there
I realised that if I followed the sparks
I would just keep jumping
and would never settle down.

There is no 'the one'.

but there is one of 'the one' s
that you conciously decide to make
'the only one'.

When you make someone 'the only one'
you do it with full knowledge
that temptation is
without a doubt going to come a-knocking
again and again
someone else is going to cause thrills to run down your spine
you are going to meet someone
whose gaze will electrify you
and who's smile will make your day
but because you already made a decision
on 'the only one'
you will try your damndest to take a step back
turn around and go home.

But of course, in moments of heat
people are blinded
don't say no, then regret
that is where the strong understanding spouse comes in
to hold what they have together
to realise that everyone makes mistakes
to forgive, and try and forget and start over.

Love is about making it work, building so much with someone
that when temptation comes around, no matter how strong
you will weigh the pros and cons
and realise that what you built outweighs it

Someone asked me the other day
whether its all fresh air and sunshine
and I said 'no, it's not'

It worried me so much to say that
had I become too jaded?
where had my sentimental, romantic nature gone?
But you know what?
you can still be romantic and idealistic, just be so within the realms of reality.

It's more than love
its a partnership,
you will have to compromise, give in,
be prepared work hard at keeping it together

if you havent got that patience, then you're not ready
but if you give so much that it tires you out
and you resent it,
then you're in a rut.

The rut is another issue:
So many people are in one
unhappy, resentful
but too afraid to start a fresh
after such a long time in a rut
So they spend their time
trying to psycho themselves into believing
that that is all there is.

It isn't.


Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

wow...thats saying a bit...
u cool?

I always been the naive type that worked on the principle of 'love works'...

I figure that relationships crash not for of a lack of love, but sometimes its just love telling us stuff about how we work and are supposed to work...

Ultimately, if you listen to it, ure gonna make "someone" very it the current mr/mrs right or not...

but u gotta listen.

Eaglet said...

it took a lot lah..

your point about listening
truly listening in itself, is effort
then you have to understand what you hear
then from understanding, you have to act upon it
which normally means changing something about yourself, for the other person

= work

so, does love just work? not enough right?
you have to work at making it work, if you want it enough.
if not you just wait for something else that may require a little less work,
but work no less, to come along.

err did i ber-off tangent?
what you mean 'love telling us stuff abt how we work.."?

Unknown said...

I just have to post this:

The main motive for "non-attachment" is a desire to escape from the pain of living; and above all from love, which, sexual or non-sexual, is hard work.

(George Orwell, 1903 - 1950)

Eaglet said...

wah lau eh

wan para vs. like 40

Meng said...

mhmmm, i think i know who HE is :)

Eaglet said...

eh ah beng, you don't know him la...why? is there someone that you and I know who just got with a girl?who??who?

Eaglet said...

i meant one

Eaglet said...

urgh ah beng, I just found out. because of what you implied. feeling woozy.

Eaglet said...

Flo, I know! and it feels so great when you analyse yourself and learn that you've grown wiser right?

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

i guess what i meant is that our job is to look, listen and read between the lines...loves job is to provide those lines...not ur partner...

anyways, this is kinna how i ANALogically put it in for myself...doesnt mean its the right thing...hmm, prolly doesnt even make sense to most...i did say i was naive rite :P hopeless...

the frou fr0u one said...

I KNOW i know who it is!!!!
i eesa clever

Eaglet said...

hahahah yes!you the frou, I'm sure you know...

dear -e- you do kinda make sense lahh