Friday, September 16, 2005

Is This A Sick Joke

Aaron comes into the office
bearing a blue and white
can of delights

a quick flick of his wrist shows me
that its
coffee-in-a-can Now I 'm not exactly a purveyor of
premixed canned coffees

so naturally, I don't jump when
he snaps the top open with a sharp hiss
thrusts it in my face

"taste this", he orders
"er, I can't taste" I say, snivelling
"Yes, you can, taste it"

and because I'm a lover, not at fighter,
I did.

It was delicious.
Smooth, thick chocolatey creamy coolness
sliding down my sore throat
it was like taking a big gulp from Mr. Wonka himself's
Magical Chocolate River
(or at least that's what I imagined it to be,
since my tastebuds aren't too trusty these days)


Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

oh...just admit it, there IS hope for some insta-mix, non-gourmet kopi type to taste like something other than monkey piss :D


Eaglet said...

there is hope. there?